Vista Oracle Parametros
CASE Expressions. CASE expressions let you use IF. ELSE logic in SQL statements without having to invoke procedures. The syntax is: Description of. Como envio parametros a una vista en ORACLE Estas en el tema de Como envio parametros a una vista en ORACLE en el foro de Oracle en Foros del Web. Hi, Buen dia el problema que tengo es el siguiente: Tengo una vista en oracle a la cual necesito enviarle dos parametros, el hecho es.
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Adding parameterized views is one of the more popular suggestions on the Database Ideas forum: You can get close with sys_context. Though you need to call this to set the value before querying the view: create table t ( x int ); insert into t select rownum x from dual connect by level. Thanks again.
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When I've run into this problem, what I've usually done is added the column I want to have as a parameter to the view and then when I select from the view I have a condition in the WHERE clause on the column. So in this example, add rev_id to the view e.g. Create view test_item_v as select rev_id, item_class, sum(total_cost), sum(total_resale), sum(margin) from test_item_class; --I think you'll need to add a group by clause since there are aggregate functions and then when using the view select * from test_item_v where rev_id = v_rev_id; Another option is to create a PL/SQL table function with a parameter for the column you want to parameterize.
Then execute the SQL statement using the parameter passed in. Finally, return the result set. One potential issue with adding a column to the view, then filtering on the results, is an 'unpushed' predicate. For small data sets and/or a simple view-query (where the optimizer can transform the query in order to push the predicate), it's not important. However for large data sets, it's the difference between the first SELECT (which mimics a view with a column/parameter) and the second: SQL> exec DBMS_application_info.set_client_info('SYS'); -- here's the parameter I want. Owner = 'SYS' PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select cnt from ( select owner, count(*) cnt from dba_source group by owner ) where owner = userenv('client_info'); CNT ------------ 186,077 SQL> select count(*) cnt from dba_source where owner = userenv('client_info'); CNT ------------ 186,077 Same results, but for a complex query or very large data set, the difference in execution time could be significant.