Indian Baby Boy Names Ms Excel File
In 2009 when I was pregnant with DD, someone posted a link to an excel spreadsheet which had hundreds of girls/boys names on it, this was great as me and OH (other half) went through it individually and marked Y or N beside names, then filtered it to give us a shortlist, little did we know, we said Y to 5 girls names the same and one of which we ended up using, Hannah. I've tried for the life of me to find it again with no avail, even my works email archive system is failing me.
Boy Names Index > Page 2 - Hindu Baby Names Boys Hindu Baby Names Boys If you are looking for quality baby name lists, and you would like to find them all in one central location, THEN you have come to the right web page.
Has anyone else seen anything like this recently, I'll keep on looking and post it if I find it. All contents copyright © BabyCenter LLC. 1997-2019 All rights reserved.
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