
Cara Setting Wifi Linksys Wap54g Setup

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Download aplikasi toko excel gratis gratis. • Sambungkan AP dengan komputer anda menggunakan kabel stright • Ubah ip komputer anda menjadi 192.168.1.xxx ( xxx boleh bebas asal jangan 245 dan dibawah 255 ) • coba ping ke ip jika sudah reply buka web browser ( jika belum reply coba cek kabel atau reset ulang AP ) • pada address bar web browser ketikkan alamat akan muncul • Pada Nama Pengguna biarkan kosong dan pada sandi isikan admin klik OK.


Hi, I have the same setup with 2 WAP54Gs - one acting as primary AP and the other as wireless repeater. I have the full set of filtered MACs on both APs but not the MAC of the repeater on the primary. And it all works just fine with one exception: occasionally my laptop (which predominantly connects to the primary) is used in within range of the repeater and is unable to get a DHCP lease because the repeater doesn't appear to be forwarding/returning the request/reply. Power cycling the repeater fixes the problem. However, this doesn't explain what the problem is and how to fix it.

I always suspected it may be because the repeater loses sync with the primary but since reading this thread I'm beginning to think otherwise. It would be good to know exactly how this type of setup should be configured.

Regards Allen.

Setting up a WAP54G as a wireless repeater with a WRT54G Share the Article: This article will guide you on how to set up a WAP54G as a wireless repeater with a WRT54G router. WPA Shared Key: sembarang ( password wifi/hotspot kita ) lalu Save Settings. Demikian untuk memberi password pada wifi kita. Cara Untuk Membuat Repeater Brigde WiFi Menggunakan Linksys WRT54GL; Adapun langkah-langkahnya: Langkah pertama silahkan Kita Upgrade dulu Firmware nya menjadi Firmware DDWRT Stkitart.