
Venado Menyimpan Rasa

Bosan sudah ku menyimpan rasa. Tapi tak mampu. Ku berkata didepanmu. Aku tak mudah mencintai. Tak mudah bilang cinta. Tapi mengapa kini denganmu. Aku jatuh cinta. Tuhan tolong dengarkanku. Beri aku dia. Tapi jika belum jodoh. Aku bisa apa. Bosan sudah ku menyimpan rasa. Tapi tak mampu. Ku berkata didepanmu. Aku tak mudah.

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lifestyle [ ] While native units were small in Panama, they were nevertheless complex and rigid. Rulers were primarily projected as warriors. There is no historical evidence of yet there appears to be a group of nobility that dominates others as servants and promotes their methods and rituals as the proper way to connect to the divine.

The social organization of this site could be considered a. The people living in lower Central America at this time had complex social systems.

They had extensive trading networks. Imported goods ranged from jade to iron tools. History [ ] Venado Beach was once within the target area used by, about 10 miles from the 16th century Spanish settlement of. It was first discovered by the in 1948 while bulldozing off the topsoil in order to enrich the lawns of the. Ethnohistory [ ] One of the officials who resided in Old Panama there was Royal Historian. Oviedo most likely knew the local natives and may have even visited the site. According to Oviedo, the burial customs of the local peoples were viewed by them as that gave those buried access to what they believed was another world.

These rites were generally reserved for the rich and noble, with the poor rarely receiving burial. An exception to the rule occurred when a slave was chosen to be killed or committed suicide to be buried with their masters, reportedly to serve in the. Oviedo's statements suggest that if one ultimately chose to join their masters in the afterlife it was a personal choice.

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They would either themselves or be buried alive while. Oviedo notes that those chosen were usually young, strong and beautiful. Excavation [ ] The site was excavated in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Burials [ ] The skeletal remains of a total of 369 individuals were found extended across the Mangopobre Valley. The bulldozing of the site left the graves without any discernable surface indications. The original depths of the graves are a matter of conjecture.

However some may have been at depths of up to 15 feet below the surface at the time of burial. Most remains were found in flexed positions on their sides or backs. Some were found extended and face-up, locally known as a 'bathtub burial.' About 30% of the burials were on their backs with their hands under their chins, knees to chest and feet crossed. Windowblinds product key. They were so tightly compressed that they were most likely tied together with ropes or in sacks.

However, the bodies laid on their sides had not been compressed. About 15% of the bodies were simply extended on their backs.