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Sep 4, 2017 - So, you want to install a developer edition of a SAP NetWeaver ABAP AS. It should sit. (I ticked Use this password for system administrator and Automatic Login. Hi guys, may someone please assist me with the link on how to download MiniSAP, I just got my SAP BASIS certificate and want to have some practice, I will highly.

From the day is available for download I checked many thread in Forum about the problems most of the friends are facing. Most of the problems are related to download setup files, Size of the setup files, Error while unzip setup files and Installation. I have Successfully install after downloading and going to share my experience with you friends, hope this will solve out most of those issues and confusions.

First of all I suggest you to Install it inside a Virtual Machine for downloading Virtual Machine Software, Creating your Virtual Machine Installing Operating System and getting ready your Virtual Machine for Setup Check my below Blog. The specified item was not found. Download Setup Files 1. Download SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP 7.02 SP6 32-bit Trial Version Setup Files are available in 2 Parts NWASABAPTRIAL70206.part1.rar and NWASABAPTRIAL70206.part2.rar. Following screenshot is showing the download files in my local system.

Below Screen is showing the detail Properties of the Part1 Below Screen is showing the detail Properties of the Part2 After Downloading Place these two in the same folder and Extract, Below screen is showing the Details of Setup Files after Extract. Note: there must be no error message while extracting files. Following is the Root Directory view after UnZip.

Mini sap installation

Download Java After downloading you will see following file on your download location. Start Installing SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.02 SP6 32-bit Trial Version First of all before starting main installation do some settings like Virtual Memory.

For setting up Virtual Memory Right Click on My Computer and from the appearing window go to Advanced tab like the screen Below. Click on the Settings button shown below. After Selecting the Settings button on window with Title Performance Options will appear, in this window you will see a part with heading Virtual Memory like it is showing in the below screen, Click the Change Button. As we have only one Partition of our Virtual Hard Disk so it will so only one.

Select it (C:) and Radio Button Custom size and give 4096 in both Initial Size and Maximum Size text box, now Click Set Button. Now we are ready to Start Setup. Note: After setting Virtual Memory you may need to restart your system. After doing the above setting run the setup of JRE you have already downloaded.

After Start Setup you will see the following window. Read and Accept the License Agreement and Click the Next button as shown below. Leave the Selected features as it is and Press Next Button. From this screen below leave the Check box Checked and go to next using Next Button. Following Screen with Message of Successful installation will appear, Select Finish Button to Complete.

Go to the following Path. Note: I extract it at my Drive C It may be differ in your case go the Path where you Download and unzip.

C:NWASABAPTRIAL70206NWASABAPTRIAL70206SAP_NetWeaver_702e_Installation_MasterIM_WINDOWS_I386 and Run the Setup using the sapinst.exe 10. Following Initial Windows will appear after starting setup. After running the setup you will see the following window from where you will have to select the Central System as showing below. After selecting Central System, when you will Click on the Next button following Message Box will appear, from here you will select OK button after selecting this system will automatically log you off and when you log in again setup start again automatically. Log in Again and let the setup again. Setup will start again Automatically as below.