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Jump to:, Hindi हिन्दी is an Indo-European language spoken in,,, and throughout the Indian diaspora in,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, etc.). Of the 22 national languages and over 1,000 dialects of India, Hindi is promoted by the government and viewed by over half the population as a 'link-language.' Hindi is descended from Sanskrit, sometimes called 'the mother of all languages,' or 'Latin of the East.' Hindi developed from the proto-Hindi खड़ी बोली Khaṛī Bolī (lit. 'standing tongue'). A mixture of Hindi and Urdu, called Hindustani (though this name is also applied to the Caribbean dialect of Hindi), is the form heard in most Bollywood films, that try to appeal to the widest audience possible. Hindustani is different than what is taught at the literary level and what is used by news programs and the government in India.

A striking fact is that, depending on the source, Hindi is listed anywhere from the 2nd-5th most widely spoken language in the world. In contrast to languages such as or Spanish, there has not been much stress outside of India in promoting Hindi education. In 2006, however, President Bush brought education of India's languages, including Hindi, to the forefront in the United States through the National Security Language Initiative, thus highlighting the need for closer ties and understanding between the two countries. This phrasebook may help lift the veil of this 'exotic' language, actually a relative of English, in addition to the primary goal of helping travellers who wish to visit India.


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